Toyota Production System

  1. Toyota Production System –  The purpose of Toyota Production System ideology is to make quality products ordered by customers in the quickest and the most efficient way, in order to deliver products as quickly as possible.
  2. Kaizen – is the Japanese term for continuous improvement, an approach to increase manufacturing firm’s competitiveness on an on-going basis through a series of small, gradual improvements.
  3. Lean Production – Lean production is a philosophy that believes in quality, eradicates waste and creates a flow of  only value adding activities. It only makes what is pulled by the customer Just in Time. Asprova  is your friend in need, our advanced production scheduling software will assist you to implement Lean Production.
  4. Taiichi Ohno – The man who did the most to structure the Toyota Production System as an integrated framework was Taiichi Ohno. He developed a number of tools to operate his production format in a systematic framework. The best known of those tools is the Kanban system, which provides for conveying information in and between processes on instruction cards.
  5. Seven Types of Waste –  Businesses are examining every area of their supply chain to reduce costs and therefore improve efficiency. Reducing waste has become a key component of any cost reduction program that is being implemented. Taiichi Ohno, the pioneer of TPS identified the concept of ‘MUDA’ or ‘Seven Wastes’. When companies are considering their waste minimization programs, the reduction in ‘MUDA’ will produce cost savings greater than the initial investment.
  6. Ask Why Five Times  – This method helps to determine the cause-effect relationships in a problem or a failure event. It can be used whenever the real cause of a problem or situation is not clear.In this article, we will see how using the Ask Five Why’s is a simple way to solve a stated problem without large detailed investigation requiring resources.
  7. Jidoka – This one of the two pillars of the Toyota Production System along with just-in-time that can help you achieve true excellence. It is about quality at source, or built in quality; no company can survive without outstanding quality of product and service and thus Jidoka is the route through which this is achieved.Read the article to learn more.
  8. Heijunka – Also known as production leveling is a method of reducing waste and driving forward efficiency in terms of production. It is a fundamental part of lean thinking and provides a system for advanced scheduling of manufacturing activities
  9. Muda, Muri and Mura – Applying the lean principles to manufacturing companies has largely focused on identifying and eliminating waste (in Japanese: muda). However, Lean Thinking equally aims to remove overburden (Japanese: muri) and unnecessary variation (Japanese: mura).
  10. 5S – The 5S is the methodology of creation and maintaining well organized, clean, highly efficient and supreme quality workplace. Its result is the effective organization of the workspace, work flow with the intent of improving competence by eliminating waste, removal of losses associated with failures and breaks, reduced process inefficiencies and improved safety of work.
  11. Gemba Walk – This concept was started at Toyota by Taiichi Ohno who is credited for the Toyota Production System. It is a problem solving paradigm in lean thinking that encourages first hand observation at the point where a problem is happening.
  12. Henry Ford –  The founder of the Ford Motor Company–was a remarkable leader, entrepreneur, and inventor. Not only did he invent the modern assembly line for building cars, but he made car ownership–and the freedom to travel that came along with it–affordable for millions of Americans.
  13. Continuous Improvement Tool: Quality Circle –  Quality circles have been hailed to be an effective tool for linking employees to the process of decision making in their work premise and hence enhancing their motivation to work and perform. Being a participative approach, Quality Circle programs were one of the major initiatives of manufacturing companies in the last decade that has revealed great success in terms of increasing organizational effectiveness and empowering employees, in both public and private organizations.

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